Luminova comes with four default WEB, API, CONSOLE and CLI
routing interface where you can register your project routes.
Framework will redirect every request uri that doesn’t start with your custom routing name to main web controller, example api
or console
will not be redirected to main web controller.,*
will be treated as api request and routes/api.php
will handle all matching request.,*
will be treated as admin console request and routes/console.php
will handle all matching request.
So make sure you don’t have any custom web routs that start with any of the path which you have registered on public/index.php
To register a custom route, it can be done in public/index.php
and also create the controller php file in routes/
The controller file name must match with routing bootstrap name. See below examples.
new Bootstrap("routing name", "callback function for error handling");
The routing bootstrap $app->router->bootstraps()
method accepts arguments of Bootstrap
instance. You can registered as many routes as you want as long as the names are unique. And also ensure that the uri start segment are unique and matches with your desired route.
The below route can be accessed in browser by visiting
, every request that starts with panel
will be handles by routes/panel.php
$app->router->bootstraps($app,new Bootstrap("panel", function() use ($app){
While creating your custom routes, do not change the default web rout Bootstrap::WEB
, changing the name may cause unexpected error.
The Bootstrap::WEB
interface will handle all your website implementation.
Location: /routes/web.php
The Bootstrap::CLI
interface will handle all your command line implementation
Location: /routes/cli.php
The Bootstrap::API
interface will handle all your API implementation
Location: /routes/api.php
The Bootstrap::CONSOLE
interface will handle all your API implementation
Location: /routes/console.php
The Bootstrap::WEBHOOK
interface will handle all your WEBHOOK implementation
Location: /routes/webhook.php
Within any of your routes files located in /routes/
, you can register routing controllers with patterns and methods depending on your application needs.
For APIs, Websites and none CLI routes, they uses the same methods on like CLI routes.
Setting up your application global middleware security here such as session etc… Or you can also do that on bind for group capture.
Your middleware must return and integer value 0
as passed or 1
as failed.
$router->before('GET|POST', '/.*', function () use($router): int {
return STATUS_OK;
$router->before('GET|POST', '/.*', 'Security::middleware');
Landing page goes here if you need to
$router->get('/', function() use ($app) {
$router->get('/', 'HomeController::index');
Route to user profile example
$router->get('/user/(.*)', 'UserController::profile');
Post update user profile, we recommend not doing this in your main web controller, is better to create a custom rout for your post updates or do it in API
controller route instead.
$router->post('/user', 'UserController::update');
Bind multiple routes.
The below can be accessed from
or to access the inner group
$router->bind('/foo', function() use ($router, $app) {
$router->get('/', function() use ($router, $app) {
$router->get('/bar/([a-zA-Z0-9]+)', function($id) use ($app) {
"id" => $id
Loading template view from sub folder in resources/views
directory. example resources/views/admin
This can be done in before middleware or call before revering view. But be careful while using it, if registered globally and other controllers uses default view directory it might affect them as all controllers will be searching for view in the custom folder. To use it in before middleware always use a matching pattern.
$router->before('GET', '/admin/.*', function () use($app, $router): int {
return STATUS_OK;
$router->bind('/admin', function() use ($router, $app) {
$router->get('/', function() use ($app) {
In NovaKit CLI, you can register a global before middleware security check as like you did on web and apis but using another method name call authenticate
You callback or controller method must return an integer (0
) as passed or (1
) as failed.
$router->authenticate(function(): int {
return STATUS_OK;
Registering your command controllers, in CLI, you post, get, put or option
are not supported.
To register a command rout it can be done in command
method of router class instance
$router->command("foo", 'CommandController::run');
Executing: php index.php foo
$router->command("demo", 'CommandController::run');
Executing: php index.php demo
In the router, you can define routes with dynamic segments, similar to a website front controller. To capture dynamic values within a segment, use the syntax (:value)
$router->command('/user/name/(:value)', function($name): int {
echo "Username: {$name}";
return STATUS_OK;
Executing: php index.php user name "Peter"
$router->command('/user/name/(:value)/id/(:value)', function($name, $id): int {
echo "UserInfo: {$name}, Id: {$id}";
return STATUS_OK;
Executing: php index.php user name "Peter" id 22
Creating an application controller classes