
Application Request Validations


With input InputValidator Class, you can validate user submitted information before saving it to database. To do that you will have to set validation rules for for each input field and optional error messages for the set rules.

In your controller class, once you extend BaseController and initialize it, you can use input validation and request. Or you can initialize the InputValidator class wherever you want to use it

Input Validation Rules

To set validation rules you can separate each rule with a parenthesis and parameter in bracket notation.

Adding rule one after another

$this->validate->addRule('name', 'required|max_length(10)|alphanumeric', [
    'required' => 'Error message for required',
    'max_length' => 'Error message for max_length',
    'alphanumeric' => 'Error message for alphanumeric'

Setting rules from array

    'name' => 'required|max_length(10)|alphanumeric',
    'age' => 'required|integer|min_length(2)|max_length(3)',
    'email' => 'required|email',
], $optionalArrayOfErrors);

If you didn’t specify the array of error messages on setRules, you can also set it in using the below method setMessages.

    'name' => [
         'required' => 'Error message for required',
        'max_length' => 'Error message for max_length',
        'alphanumeric' => 'Error message for alphanumeric'
    'email' => [
        'required' => 'The email field is required.',
        'email' => 'The email address is not valid.'
    'age' => [
        'required' => 'The age field is required.',
        'integer' => 'The age must be an integer.',
        'min_length' => 'The age minimum length must 2.',
        'max_length' => 'The age maximum length must 3.'
Available Validations
Rule Parameter Description
none Void Ignore filed and return true
required Void Field is required, it cannot be empty
max_length() Integer Field maximum allowed length
min_length() Integer Field minimum allowed length
alphanumeric Void Field should must be only alphanumeric [aZ-Az-0-9]
email Void Field should must be a valid email address
integer() String Field should must an integer value, optional parameter [positive or negative] [-0-9]
equals() String Field value must match with anther specified field value
url Void Field must be a valid URL
alphabet Void Field must be only an alphabet [aZ-Az]
uuid() Integer Field value must be uuid string, optional parameter for uuid version
exact_length() Integer Field value must be exact length
in_array() String Field value must be in array list
keys_exist() String Field array values must match in validation list
callback() Callable Callback myFunction(value, field) return boolean value
ip() Integer Field value must be a valid IP address, optional parameter for ip version
decimal Void Field must be a valid decimal value
match() Regex Field value must match the regular expression [/pattern/]
fallback() Mixed If the field value is empty, replace it withe the default value, if parameter is empty any empty string will be used instead
phone Void Check if field value is a phone number
binary Void Check if field value is a binary
hexadecimal Void Check if field value is a hexadecimal
array Void Check if field value is a array
json Void Check if field value is a json object
path() String Check if field value is directory path, if parameter [true] is specified it will check if path is readable
scheme() String Check if field value url scheme matched with the specified url scheme
Validation Class Methods
Method Name Description
validateEntries(array $input, array $rules = []): bool To validate input entries, it return true or false. The second parameter is optional.
validateField(string $ruleName, string $value, string $rule, mixed $param = null): bool To validate fields processed by validateEntries method it return true or false. The third parameter is optional
getErrors(): array Get validation error messages
getError(string $field): string Get validation error message by field name
getErrorLine(nt $indexField = 0, int $indexErrors = 0): string Get validation error message by field index and error index
setRules(array $rules, array $messages = []): self Set validation rules with optional messages
addRule(string $field, string $rules, array $messages = []): self Add validation rule with optional messages
addError(string $field, string $ruleName, string $message): self Add a single validation error to field
setMessages(array $messages): self Set validation messages
addMessage(string $field, array $messages): self Add validation message to field
listToArray(string $list): array Convert string list to array a,b,c to [a, b, c]
listInArray(string $list, array $map): bool Check if list elements exists in an array
Implementing Validation

To implement your custom validation extend Luminova\Security\ValidatorInterface

Application HTTP Requests

Making http request and receiving and responding to requests

Request & Validations