
Application Database Management

To work with database depending on your use case, you can extent the Query class or Connection class. Once you have setup the database configuration in your .env file.

Extending Luminova\Database\Connection


$this->db->prepare("UPDATE users SET name = :name");
$this->db->bind(":name", $name);
$response = $this->db->rowCount();
$this->db->query("UPDATE users SET name = 'Peter'");
$response = $this->db->rowCount();

Response Methods

Get all response from select query


Get one response useful when limit is 1


Get response as object stdClass


Shorthand for getResult, get response array array


Get response as array or object


Get response as integer useful when counting records


Extending Class

You can extend the Connection class or initialize the class to grab the connection instance $conn = new Connection();

namespace Luminova\Database;

use \Luminova\Database\Connection;

class MyConn extends Connection 
    public function __construct(){

    public function update(string $name): int {
        $updateQuery = "UPDATE users SET name = :name";
        $this->db->bind(":name", $name);
        return $this->db->rowCount()     

    public function get(string $id): int {
        $updateQuery = "SELECT * FROM users WHERE uid = :uid LIMIT 1";
        $this->db->bind(":uid", $id);
        return $this->db->getOne()     

Extending Luminova\Database\Query

You can extend the Query class or initialize the class to grab the connection instance $query = new Query(); or use the singleton instance $query = Query::getInstance();, depending on your use case.

Here are some examples

$tbl = $query->table("user");
$tbl->where("id", 1);
$tbl->limit(100, 0);
$tbl->cache('key', 'storage');
$items = $tbl->select(/* Optional array fields ex: ['name', 'email']*/);

Using Query builder, the second parameter of execute is the return type which can be all, one, object, array, total, lastId, stmt or className to map return data

$tbl = $query->query("SELECT * FROM users WHERE name = :name");
$tbl->cache('key', 'storage'); // If you want result to be cached
$result = $tbl->execute(['name' => 'Peter'], 'array');

Update record

$tbl = $query->table("user");
$tbl->where("id", 1);
$updated = $tbl->update([
    'name' => 'Foo'

Retrieve one record

$tbl = $query->table("user");
$tbl->where("id", 1);
$items = $tbl->find(/* Optional array fields ex: ['name', 'email']*/);

Retrieve total row count

$tbl = $query->table("user");
$tbl->where("country", "Nigeria");
$items = $tbl->total();

Insert into the database table

$tbl = $query->table("user");
$added = $tbl->insert([
        'name' => 'Foo'
        'email' => ''
        'name' => 'Bar'
        'email' => ''

Extending Class

namespace Luminova\Database;
use \Luminova\Database\Query;

class MyQuery extends Query 
    public function __construct(){

    public function updateData(string $name): int {
        return $this->table("user")->where("uid", 1)->update([
            "name" => $name

    public function getUser(string $id): int {
        return $this->table("user")->where("uid", $id)->find([
            "name", "email", "age"
    public function getFriends(string $id): int {
        return $this->table("friends")->where("uid", $id)->and("friendListId", "myFriends")->select([
            "name", "email", "age"

Query Class Method

Method Description
table(string $table): self Table name to query
join(string $table, string $type = “INNER”): self Table name to join
on(array $seeds): self Table join ON condition
innerJoin(string $table): self Inner join, shorthand for join with second parameter
leftJoin(string $table): self Left join, shorthand for join with second parameter
limit(int $offset = 0, int $count = 50): self Limit with offset and count
order(string $order): self Table sorting by order
group(string $group): self Table grouping column by order
where(string $column, string $key): self table WHERE clause
and(string $column, string $key): self Table AND clause
set(string $column, mixed $value): self Update table set value with column and value
or(string $column, string $key): self Table OR clause
andOr(string $column, string $key, string $columnOr, string $keyOr): self Table (AND OR) clause
in(string $column, array $list): self Find in List using IN selector
inset(string $search, array $list, string $method = ‘=’): self Find in set using IN_SET selector
cache(string $storage, ?string $key = ‘’, ?string $uid = ‘’, int $expiry = 7 * 24 * 60 * 60): self Cache table response and return cache next time till expiration. The cache method must be called before find or select method
insert(array $values, bool $bind = true): int Insert into table. optional second parameter to use prepared statement or query execution
select(array $columns = [“*”]): mixed Retrieve records from table, optional parameter to specify columns
find(array $columns = [“*”]): mixed Retrieve one record from table, optional parameter to specify columns
update(?array $sets = null): int Update table record. if you already used set method, then the second parameter is not required to set columns and values
delete(int $limit = 0): int Delete all records from table with optional parameter to set limit
truncate(bool $transaction = true): bool Truncate table to clear all records, optional parameter to set using transaction.
drop(): int Drop table
createTable(array $columns): int Create a new table
create(Columns $column): int Create new table using column class
withColumns() : Columns Generate table columns and setups
reset(): void Reset unneeded query variables and free memory
free(): void Free memory
close(): void Close database connection

Application Request & Validations

Validating user request and input

Request Validations